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Come on in and meet our second clan of Lepitaurs, we've named them the 'Lightning Clan'! Our Dominant pair here is Aja & Alyx since they were the first to breed. 


Saber was in our 'Thunder Clan' but we decided to move him over since he hadn't established a mate in that clan and it just made more sense to move him over. 


Alyx & Bluebell were born in the Thunder clan, we moved them over to here to help prevent inbreeding. Aja came on over to this clan as well since she also didn't really fit with the others in our first clan and had more chance at establishing a mate over here. 


Alyx & Aja quickly fell in love, and were expecting their first kitten with in a matter of minutes! They all played together / had already bet while being in the Thunder clan, but I had just brought them out on their own / this clan only for the first time and love was almost instant. 


Saber and Bluebell also have eyes for each other so hopefully they'll have a baby on the way soon too. 

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